The Magnitizdat Literary, Winter 2017


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Showcasing fourteen writers, DECADENCE/COLLAPSE probes the delicate tipping point between the sunset-hued landscapes of decline and the shadow-swept wastelands of catastrophe. Proudly featuring: Devon Balwit, Benjamin Brindise, Jean-Luc Fontaine, Stacey Haas, Daniel Jenkins, Joseph Johnston, Jenne Kaivo, Petrula Laudato, R.K. Lucas, Mike McCorkle, Catfish McDaris, Joseph R. Moore, Michelle Wong, and Bob Young.

The Magnitizdat Literary is a zine of verse and prose circulating outside the literary establishment, a slow celebration of the quiet, the physical: a reaction against instant gratification, and a careful exploration of what grows in the cracks culture conditions us to ignore, be it the languid beauty of a sad afternoon, or the visceral dread of smoke-tinged, bottle-hued midnights.

Named for the secret audio recordings once circulated out of sight of censorious, despotic regimes, The Magnitizdat Literary is a redoubt of pure aestheticism, art for its own sake, independent of any social or political mandate. The journal is published on a quarterly basis, and bound in a minimalist style reminiscent of underground samizdat publications.